Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Summer Semester Research

 This semester, I will be researching the Ue5 Nanite specific workflow. When I think of Nanite, I think of high-poly meshes that can directly import right into the engine with no loss of detail. So it can be directly from ZBrush, without having to bake onto a separate mesh. I can also use photogrammetry scans in my project. I am still unsure about which type of high poly mesh I will include. Most likely a statue of some kind. Since I have never used it and the engine is fairly new, I have to admit, it is a bit worrying about using such a high poly mesh in Unreal. But given that it plays a big part in this newer version, it should work out just fine.

Here is an example from the Unreal Engine 5 Demo. In the first, the mesh is extremely detailed, looking like something out of a film. The second one, you can see that these meshes consist of LOTS of tris. Yes, these are the wireframes for the rocks. It's mindblowing.

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