Thursday, September 30, 2021

Week 05 - Use of Composition

For this assignment, we were told to create a scene with composition. I chose to implement 2D aspects in a render of a 3D scene using the L/Rectangle composition. I got an AT-ST asset online and and made a forest in UE5. Then I found picture of an Ewok, took it into Photoshop along with the render. I based my art and composition off of the artist Eyvind Earle's forests.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Module 2 Week 05 - Game Asset Creation Part 1

 The first step of the game asset pipeline is to find references and create the proxy model. I chose to use the lootbox from Overwatch as my ref for this assignment. I started off by putting a mannequin in my scene for scale reference. Then, I exported the asset from Maya into UE5.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Week 4 Use of Basic Lighting

Following the last assignment based on shading/values, we had to recreate a basic scene in unreal engine. Here is the scene I made that was used for reference.
Then here is my attempt at recreating it without tracing the picture. 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week 4 - Blueprints and Sequencer/Rendering in UE5

 After making an abstract city (which I had based off Minecraft), I had to use blueprints to animate it in Unreal Engine 5. Here are the different node flows of the event graphs/construction scripts that I have made. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Week 3 Use of Value and Contrast

 I have always had trouble creating shadows and lighting when it comes to 2D art. In Unreal and Maya, it is much easier to do as you simply place a light in the scene. Here is the outcome of my Value assignment. I did not do the line art, only the value of the alien and background.

Although I should have a different layout of the layers, I had to merge the value layers so I could blend it better.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Module 1 Week 3 Hierarchy

 This assignment wasn't too hard as it was all about organization. It is crucial to be organized regardless of what track you are in. This example below would be beneficial for the artists, especially the animators because you need hierarchies for rigs or else your animation won't work. 

With this, I was able to animate this easier than I would have without any hierarchies. 

Crane Animation

Using the same crane, I exported it into Unreal Engine 5. I also lit the scene and added the material instances onto the spheres.

I also created an abstract with some hierarchies involved. I used a transparent cyan material as the "windows" and a metallic material for the base of the buildings.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Week 2 - Use of Silhouettes

         For this assignment, my peers and I had to make different iterations of an existing character. I choose Eevee from Pokémon because it already has different versions that exist in the game but I wanted to change it up a little. So I gave it a monster theme and made each one a different monster.



I left the first one as the original Eevee as a reference for those who don't know the base character. Then I made the monsters: Creature from the Black Lagoon, Frankenstein, Dracula, WereEevee, Predator, Xenomorph, and Mummy.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Module 1 Week 2 - Basics of Topology (Robot)

 Here's a robot that I modified in class. I completely changed the head, arms, and wheel. I learned some techniques by following tutorials provided by my instructor. They came in handy when adding these parts for the robot.

Module 1 Week 2 - Basics of Topology

 Part One:

            For the first part of the topology tutorials, I did learn a lot about the duplicating, subdividing, and the different ways of applying edges. The only tool I was familiar with was the soft select. I'm surprised I didn't know the basic hot keys with how long I have been 3D modelling. 

Part Two:

        I was already familiar with most of these techniques but I have never detached and used the mesh in the same spot. This was my first time making something in sub-d. Something I wish I had known a while back. Now, I am familiar with hypershade. Do I like it? No. But it is similar to the texture nodes in Unreal Engine.

Part Three:

        The last part was really difficult for me. I have only worked with curves once and it was to make a wire. Using it to create polygons was also new to me, but I feel like I can't get the hang of it. My mesh was pointy on top instead of rounded. Also, connecting the curves was such a pain. But I'll get more used to it in the future now that I've learned all of this.