Monday, March 28, 2022

Module 3 - Week 10 Game Res/UV/Polycount and First Bake

For this assignment, during spring break, I have lowered the polycount on each asset to make it game res. My first bake didn't come out so great but that's because it is the first one. I will have to go back and tweak somethings to fix it. I also rearranged the layout to make the dragon the center of attention.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Sprint 5# Deliverable

 For common art, I have updated some models to C quality. I also posted in the Unreal Forums about our game Cyberstein. We had a small meeting with our lead, Brian, to further discuss the aesthetics of the room.

The picture below was a test piece I had made within the level. We decided not to go with the bright lighting for our game, but this helped established Victor Frankenstein's work area. We will be implementing factors within this screenshot into our actual experience.

Practice based on goals from Artist Inspirations

 For industry review, I decided to make a small environment so I can practice with my composition and lighting skills while also using assets from common art that I made. Not only that but I wanted to try some extra things as well such as video textures and creating a custom skysphere. 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Module 3 - Week 09 High Res Scene for Creature

Since the creature that I am making this diorama for is stylized, I thought that I should focus more on the textures than sculpting for the succulents as they are smooth to begin with in real life. I want to give a semi Orb style environment for this dragon (made by Kaylie White). Decided that the skull of a mother dragon wouldn't fit the scene too well and would have taken up majority of the space AND the spotlight from the baby dragon. 

*Green color for dragon is proxy

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Module 3 - New References

 Instead of going the cave route, I have decided to go with a much lighter scenery for this diorama. I will also be making it smaller than my first proxy. The first collage is the general theme. I will have the baby dragon that Kaylie White is making, rest next to a skull of their mother. I believe that it will create a story to add more to the diorama and creature. Then have flora grow over the deceased dragon and the rest of the environment. I don't want it to be dark and devastating but have the colorful foliage symbolize life. The variety of succulents shown in the second and third collages will do just that.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Module 3 - Week 8 Diorama Proxy

 This module, we will be working on organic creatures. However I decided to help Kaylie White by creating a diorama for her creature instead since I am going the environment artist route. 

Here are my references for this assignment:

Layout References

Theme References
Diorama References

My main references for the entire scene would be these three references put together.

Optional top portion

Color Key

  • Gray - Cave
  • Purple - Rock
  • Blue - Crystal
  • Brown - Wood
  • Green - Foliage
  • Pink - Water
  • Red - Dragon's Nest