Monday, February 28, 2022

Common Art Sprint 4

 For this sprint in Common Art, I have started upgrading assets from proxy form. Some of the assets are still in development. I am planning to rearrange the props in scene to better fit the story and show off more to the player.

Module 2 - Week 7 NERF gun Final Renders

 I always find the last week of the game pipeline assignments easier than the first few. I like to say that I like texturing more than modeling however I still need to improve my skills with it. I used Marmoset Toolbag 4 for these renders. 

Monday, February 21, 2022

Module 2 - Week 6 NERF Gun 1st Bake/UVs

 This week was a pain trying to get the high res to bake onto the low res. There's usually an issue with the naming convention but I don't think this was the case this time around. I'm actually proud of my alpha I made of the "hyper" logo taken directly from one of my own reference photos.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Common Art Sprint 3

 For this sprint, I was able to implement the props into engine and make it so the player could pick them up. These small parts may not look like much but adding them is one step closer to being immersed in this experience. I also made bigger props to add to the garage, but only for aesthetic. They will be out of reach. The last thing I did was create a conveyor belt, added a proxy texture that would pan it across the belt to make it seem as if it was moving. 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Module 2 - Week 5 NERF Gun High Res

 After modeling a proxy for the nerf gun, we up the resolution to start detailing it in ZBrush. I think that most of it can be done in Substance Painter including the logo and the small designs on it, however I "sculpted" some holes into the gun in ZBrush. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

Module 2 - Week 04 Nerf Gun Proxy/High Res

After finishing the knife, my class is moving on to a harder task; a Nerf gun. It's still a somewhat small prop that we will be making as a hero piece. After picking this particular Nerf gun, I had realized that there is a challenge I must face when modeling it. There is a transparent part at the top which is covering a solid piece of the gun. So I would have to create both, but overlay it with a clear plastic top.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Sprint 2 - CyberStein

For this week, I was making the small props that the player could pick up and throw in VR. We need the level to be more cluttered with objects to give it that mad scientist mood.

Artist Inspirations

 ArtStation Artist Inspirations

ArtStation - DEATHLOOP / Labs, Michael INTILLA

ArtStation - "DEATHLOOP" - Manor Cliffs - Berezin's Manor, Jeremy Cerisy

ArtStation - Detective's Attic, Silke Van Der Smissen

ArtStation - NOVA III SpacePort Station, Maxime LARIVIERE

ArtStation - Viscera [UE4], Alec Tucker

ArtStation - Kashmir Restaurant, Daniel Hinckley

ArtStation - Spaceship corridor, Alvaro Elorduy

ArtStation - Dead by Daylight - Gideon Meat Plant, Adriano Grasso

ArtStation - Alien:Isolation, Ben Matthews

ArtStation - Inspired by Resident Evil 3 Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, Pasquale Scionti

ArtStation - Titanfall 2 - Ship to Ship, Kristen C. (Wong) Altamirano

I chose these specific pieces of art because:

  • I love the way that the atmosphere immerses the audience in different ways with the lighting and the post process.
  • The composition is something I need to work on when laying out my environments and I think these references do a great job doing just that.
  •  I like to experiment in different styles that are semi realistic to realistic.
  • Each piece is either focused on the model or the texture but I wonder if I can combine both to make something better.
  • Although it is a bit on the technical side, I would like to learn Substance Designer because I feel like I am a better texturer artist (in substance Painter at least) than a modeler in most situations.