For this assignment, we had to illustrate 3 original creatures/monsters based on basic shapes. As you can see, they're formed like a circle, square, or triangle. This not just include the shapes used but the overall silhouette. I'm not that great when it comes to 2D Art but then again this is my first ever assignment that required it.
The circular creature was originally going to be cloud of gas but then I realized that it wouldn't have "shape." So instead, I made it a cute floating creature that is made up of galaxies. I implemented those characteristics by adding a wormhole as the eyes and stars within the body.
For the ice block monster, I wanted him to be the opposite of the cosmic creature. To me, I would think that squares resemble something tough and large. I thought of ice cubes because of their shape. So why not make a huge ice cube monster?
For the triangular creature, my mind immediately thought about thorns or branches because of the pointy edges. What has thorns/branches? Plants. So I had to create a creature made from some type of flora. I came up with the wooden fairy because wood is more rigid and has branches.